Weather - When Should We Visit?

What's happening at Muri Retreat and around Rarotonga?

The Weather in Rarotonga is Fantastic.

Yes, it can rain. Yes, it can get windy...but it's always a tropical paradise and it's always a good time to visit.

The Cook Islands enjoy a tropical and sunny climate all year round. The drier months are from April to November, with an average temperature of 27°C.

November to March marks the summer season, with slightly higher humidity and occasional rainfall between December and March when the temperature ranges between 25°C (min) and 33°C (max).

Don't be put off by rainfall in our summer months. It is typically brief morning or afternoon tropical showers that help clear the humidity.

The shoulder months of April, May, September, and October are great times to visit. The weather in these months is usually the perfect balance of warm temperatures and dry skies.

For the Drewery Family, we love every month, with summer being our favourite time. 

We love the heat, tropical fruit and sultry nights under the star-filled sky ;-)

Go on...join us in 2023!

Normal Ranges | Note: Influencing weather patterns can impact max and min ranges. 



Posted by Simon Drewery on February 20, 2023

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